The Goddess Weighs In

Living Large and Healthy

Random Thoughts After A Truly Crap Day

Yesterday I returned to work after my brief staycation and I had a truly crap day.  It wasn’t about work, in fact although I do gripe now and then I do enjoy many aspects of my job, but there was a bunch of stuff going on with me and around me and to me that made for a craptastic kind of Monday and by 9pm I’d decided to just throw in the towel and go to bed.  When a day kicks me in the bum like that I like to think of some of the positives that I have accomplished or have experienced or have just seen recently.

  • I have decided to become a regular volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and I plan to volunteer at least four times a year.
  • I am on hat 39 and almost done Challenge 13.  This will not exactly cut my craft supplies in half, but it’s used up a lot of my yarn and I will be taking a rest from knitting for a bit.  i’m also glad I will be able to donate them before it gets any colder as there is no point in donating knit hats in the summer.
  • It turns out there are two indoor golf facilities near me so apparently I can learn to golf in the snow.
  • I told a friend the plots for my screenplay and my novel and she enjoyed both.
  • I am now writing a Real Estate blog for a friend and getting paid in yoga.
  • During a phone call with my mom she suggested that I should get a TV.  I told her I would prefer to use  that kind of money for buying myself a pair of roller skates.  I’m pretty sure I could hear her eyes roll and I’m pretty sure that despite her protests she knew that I was serious.
  • I got a lot of sleep on my staycation and I felt really good.  I knew that I would but it’s proof positive that my first priority in better health is more sleep.
  • Autumn is my favourite season and I love the crisp air and the beautiful colours of the changing leaves.

– the Goddess